Information Is Not Knowledge

šŸ„°Lanu PitanšŸ„°
Published in
4 min readJul 3, 2020


The practice in school only educate the brain instead of unfolding the mind.

Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

The practice in school teaches pupils to remember, instead of unfolding their thinking faculties. Hence a genius is considered stupid, ruining many creative faculties. If this continues for a long time, thereā€™s a suppression of the gift that could benefit the whole world.

Thomas Edison was sent home from school with a note from his teacher advising his mother to put him in a school for subnormals.

It is possible to answer every question in the encyclopedia because of a photographic memory, and yet have no knowledge.

Acquiring information is the same as a man, eating some food, but unable to digest it, which could be due to some illness. That food will not benefit him, as the nutrients cannot enter the bloodstream to benefit him.

Information can lead to knowledge when digested through reasoning and mind thinking. However, it is of no use to creative expression if it is brain-recording.

A man who through his intellect, assembles through other brain activities and reasoning is deemed clever, but his action does not constitute knowledge.

The whole human relation and interaction will change when the world begins to acquire knowledge instead of information.

The human race has not yet acquired the knowledge to make it possible to live with each other in peace and harmony.

But rather has knowledge of why atoms are held together in place. Such knowledge has economic and material value, and only worth millions in machines and probably comfort for man, nothing more.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

The Basis On Which Mankind Seeks Knowledge

Mankind seeks knowledge only for monetary value because the spiritual value has not yet entered his consciousness.

And because he seeks for the wrong reason, it will elude him.

Knowledge of cause can never be acquired from motion, but only through the sources of motion.

Children creative minds should be developed between the ages of three and fourteen. How? Allow the child a walk in nature, in the woods, garden, city centre, stores, and let him tell you what he sees, or write down what he thinks. That will be a creative education ā€” by stimulating imagination.

Children should be encouraged to draw, paint and mould (sculptures), and in music. All these bring out the unfolding of the mind.

The history that is taught in school promotes hero worship. It is the history of glorified greed to kill and take another manā€™s properties and land. It is a war to war inventory. A hero-worship of world-killers.

This history is then made into a movie that further creates juvenile delinquency because it degrades the human race instead of enlightening it. It does not teach the lesson of agony that wars and crime have given to man.

Yesterday, (July 2nd 2020), here in the UK news, about seven hundred criminals were rounded up. Their activities have been monitored for a while, the police said. Guns, drugs and raw cash of over fifty-four million pounds were seized. That is how crime is so attractive and that is why the ordinary man is lured to participate.

Material value is the basis of all wars that we have created as a country, so it imperative that our people will desire a life of greed and materialism.

Cosmic Harmony Is The Way Forward

A way of love and respect for an individual will transform how we negotiate our interest.

United Nations membership does not stop a war among and between member nations. Why? Because hate suspicion and greed are now sitting at conference tables to bargain with each other. The more they bargain, the greater the necessity for increased armament.

Divided humans are they (not minding that they called themselves United Nations). Divided humans have innumerable pairs of divided interests which become ONE when united.

Divided humans are lonely. Loneliness creates injurious tension which is completely voided by companionship.

The way of spiritual harmony is having established values based on man rather than on matter. The greatest motive for all crime lies in greed to obtain wealth and affluence.

To acquire this, he sells his soul by crucifying love and human values.

When a man learns that man is manā€™s greatest asset, he will serve his fellow man instead of killing him, as he does now for material values.

Crime will disappear when the motive for crime disappears. And peace will come when love appears.

